Wednesday 15 April 2009

100 Mile Madness

It's official. I've gone completely bonkers! I've lost all contact with planet Earth.

I've decided to do a 100 mile cycle ride!

In one go. No stopping..... Ok maybe the odd cake stop, but that's all.


Why not!

Anyway I'm not just doing it for the fun?!?! I'm doing it for charity. In fact I am doing it for two charities!

I am taking part in the Trossachs Ton on the 21st of June (yes not only is it 100 miles, but it has big hills as well!) This is a ride organised by Action Medical Research. AMR are a leading independent medical research charity specialising in children’s health. They provide funding for ground breaking research (being a researcher myself I appreciate this!) and have been doing so for almost 60 years. Details of some of the breakthroughs that AMR have played a part in can be found here.

The second charity is a little closer to home for me. Unfortunately my mother suffers from a form of Motor Neuron Disease (Progressive Bulbar Palsy). This has had profound effects on my mothers life. She is now unable to talk and has to take much of her food through feeding tubes. However, she is still enjoying life and she and my sister (who is her main carer) have had amazing physical and emotional support from our local hospice (Accord Hospice). We expect this support to continue as my mothers disease progresses.

Therefore, I ask you to support my madness, to encourage me to cycle further than I have ever done before, and to test how much pain my bottom can take (no innuendos please!).

So please support, as best you can, my two charities by making donations to Action Medical research here or to the Accord Hospice here.

Of course, you are welcome to donate to both. That way you would be giving to vital medical research and to patient led medical/emotional care all at the same time. :-)

If your a cyclist you could always take part in the event as well.... Come along and see Magnatom writhe in pain! :-o

Friday 10 April 2009

Life or Death?

This isn't my video, but I thought it was worth posting here.

I know a lot of cyclists know how dangerous undertaking a bus/HGV etc is. However, some don't. So I think bringing videos like this to people's attention every so often, is a good thing. Even if just one person sees a video like this and learns not to do it, then it is worth it.

Had the cyclist kept going, or had the bus crept over to the left 20cm the cyclist could have been killed.

It isn't worth it...